
Watch What You Say

I will just fall in love with the day when people think about what they say before they say it. Yeah of course words should never hurt you, just sticks and stones. Whatever. That does not justify the fact that people let anything come out of their mouth. Ignorance really gets to me. I have zero tolerance for it. And that "playful" ignorance when you know its ignorant but say it anyway just to bring forth unnecessary attention to yourself. Oh that, I have -600 tolerance for. Just stop. It was never and will never be cool to say anything negative, anything that might hurt somebody feelings, anything ignorant, or just anything that doesn't make any type of sense. People just talk and never know that what they say  might lead somebody to do something or think something crazy. Maybe it's just me. Maybe I'm missing something but, I've seen a lot of people fall and break down just off of words alone........ That's it. 

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