
Our Love Child

Hello. Nelle here. I have news for my blog viewers. Im expecting!! Aaaahhhh yes. 12 weeks pregnant am I. Lol. Me and my husband are sooooooo hype. This pregnancy was a surprise but it wasnt a shock, I mean thats what happens when you have unprotected sex right? Lol. Anyway. I just feel so blessed to be able to have a life growing inside of me. We've heard the heartbeat and seen the lil one jumping around in me. Lol. I never would have thought we would be having a baby so soon but I still thank God. God really is showing me what I can handle and I know He's in control. I cant wait to meet our little love child. I cant wait to know the sex. My husband wants a boy like REAL BAD. Lol. It doesnt really matter to me. Im kinda leaning towards the boy side tho just because my hubby is so eager. Anyway. Everyone stay blessed. I'll try to keep my blog loves updated. In the meantime, follow me on twitter @ChanElevated

Feeling Inspired.

I was finally inspired fashionably. Which hasn't happened in like.... years. I was inspired to make something my own. So I took my momz old shoulder piece from when she was in the military, and an old military pin and put them on my blazer(thrift store bought blazer over 2 years old for $7 Bow!). Rolled the sleeves up so it would show the dark purple lining. A tough boyish military transformation. Paired with Blue top that covers my bottom and peaks through the bottom of the blazer. My favorite Urban Outfitters tribal print leggings. These comfy wedges that take a good two mins to lace up(but I love em!). And to top it off my favorite bag. Not much needs to be said about that baby. Just look at her! Color blocked out! Didn't let my hair down. That would be too dramatic. I just wanted this look to be easy going but detailed.  So there it is.


Without you.....Never again.

Why do I continue to come back to you? Why is there nothing else I can seem to do without you? I once thought I was done with you forever but that just made me weak. Because without you my soul can no longer speak. I dont care if nobody understands this language as long as I understand what my soul is trying to say. And if one moment Im without you, my soul will slowly decay. No I dont depend on you I depend on my God. But every since I've learned to speak fluently though you, I realize that God understands every word I say. Most dont understand our relationship. But you've truly helped me grow. Most dont understand why I need you. And they may never know. But as I leave I will find myself in you and with God I am truly complete. Oh how I've found a way to get away and stay all at the same time. I love you Dance. For making me who I am. Thank you Dance.

If your dreams dont scare you, They aren't big enough.

All my life I've know what I wanted to be. What I wanted out of life. And the only thing that has set me back, truly, is my fear. The fear of being turned down. The fear of not being good enough. The fear of what others might say. The fear that I wont be successful. And all that!!! Ends today. The quote of topic today changed my whole outlook on my life, goals and dreams. I just feel like if I wasn't reaching beyond where I can touch I wouldn't be going hard enough. With the help of my God, the help of my friends and family and the help of my faith. Ima GET THERE. Exactly where I wanna be. And I encourage everyone who is doubting there dreams to just go for it. Doubt comes from fear and fear from the devil. We are not slaves to the devil. Just seek God on what you want out of life. If he gives you the go ahead. GO AHEAD.

Romans 8:37 "No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us."


I love her hair! I know its weave but im just saying.

Chicago River

Took this picture in Chicago while on my way downtown on the CTA. A captured moment.


Gods says...

Just Like That.

How I love public wall art.

Where does yours come from??

Better Grounds.

My Goals haven't changed, they've just become more grounded on the right things. People always tell me how much I've changed. But the only thing thats changed is my outlook on what i was actually looking at.
My goals before...Dance Teacher...Fashion stylist...Innovator...Creator....My goals now...Dance teacher where dance is a complete language of the soul...Fashion stylist who follows no trend of the world...And with those things I innovate and create based on where the word of God guides me.
TunnelVision.....Still at it.

Finding Myself

At first I thought I knew who I was. But then I learned that I cant know me until I've met God. Well I've met him and now, I've changed. God shows us what is truly in our hearts. He shows us what is good and what is bad. He shows what we actually are proud of and what we actually want to change. At first I thought I was okay with being that extremely fly chick who is laid back, nonchalant and just stays in her own zone. My own world was perfect. It was safe. And i never thought about what I did nor did I care what anyone else thought. But was that really safe? Or was I being controlled by a mindset that had me completely blind?......... After I met God. I met the devil. After I understood what God wanted from my life, I then got a chance to understand what the devil wants from my life. I had to ask myself. Who am I pleasing and who do I actually want to please... God wants a willing vessel. Someone who has a burden for lost people, hurting people, sad people. God wants someone who will go out and be completely selfless in order to bring people to a better place. God wants someone who is optimistic, caring, strong. God wants someone who is willing to stand out and stand up for what is right at all cost...... And thats what I want!!

The devil on the other hand wants someone who is selfish. He wants people to only focus on themselves and thier come-up. He wants someone who is obsessed with the natural things in life like; fashion, money, cars, emotion and status. The devil also wants us to be sad. He wants us to have those things to depend on, and when we dont have those things he wants us to feel like we are losing. And I felt that way! I felt comfort in being fly, I felt joy in going out spending money splurging and getting everything I wanted. I was good knowing that people looked up to me just because I was fly and cool, effortlessly. But at the end of the day..... Who did I help. What was my purpose. What was I building my life upon. Fashion? Money? Swag?
At this point in my life I now know that wasnt enough. okay with not being the flyest. I'd rather make a difference in a child's life who has no hope. Im okay with not spending my money on just myself. I'd rather feed someone who didnt have a meal all week. Im okay with not being up on the latest music. I'd rather spend my spare time uplifting someone who doesnt think they can go on.
I dont want to work for the devil anymore. He has deceived me long enough. I've found myself.
I found me in God.
And I thank him.

Watch What You Say

I will just fall in love with the day when people think about what they say before they say it. Yeah of course words should never hurt you, just sticks and stones. Whatever. That does not justify the fact that people let anything come out of their mouth. Ignorance really gets to me. I have zero tolerance for it. And that "playful" ignorance when you know its ignorant but say it anyway just to bring forth unnecessary attention to yourself. Oh that, I have -600 tolerance for. Just stop. It was never and will never be cool to say anything negative, anything that might hurt somebody feelings, anything ignorant, or just anything that doesn't make any type of sense. People just talk and never know that what they say  might lead somebody to do something or think something crazy. Maybe it's just me. Maybe I'm missing something but, I've seen a lot of people fall and break down just off of words alone........ That's it. 



Where Art Thou Fashion?

We have come to an end in fashion. Everybody thinks its all new and different. But in actuality. Its just a big confused mixed up collage of past decades all in one. Our parents. And grandparents are looking at us like "We did the same thing". So there's nothing new or different about it. Our generations fashion is more of a confused inspiration. Its innovation but not really. Its a collection of originality. Because originality in the past was so amazing and we couldn't pick just one. I wonder where fashion will be when my children are teens and young adults? I wonder will anything original ever surface the earth again? Because im all for change and something new....... I just haven't seen it yet in fashion. *waits*


I will.

Through it all, I'll be right here by your side.
And even when the ropes are weak I'll still cross the line.

For you.

Selfless Suicide.

I just choked on the word goodbye.
My heart didn't want to say it.
But my mind is equipped with better judgement so I kinda just puked it out.
You know you regurgitated when the body doesn't agree with what the mind wanted.
My heart doesn't agree this time tho.
I throw up memories. I throw up laughs. I throw up songs. I throw up glass.
The release of that glass relieved me. It was so broken inside.
It had me torn.
Torn between what I knew was wrong and what had felt so right.
I deliberately lost sight. I momentarily lost fight.
But right now I'm forever losing you.
Flushes toilet. Now I'm through.

Only my soul can hear my cry. A selfless suicide.