

This might be the most amazing, gorgeous thing I've seen all year.


The Love.

This was almost 2 years ago when we had no clue what true love even was. Now we know how to truly love through Christ. The love was strong then. You could only imagine it now. AND lets not ignore the fact the I told him I use to eat chalk and he just accepted that so easy. Lol. Lets be honest. Thats a lil weird. But he just.... Accepts me for me.


Turn On!

Talent turns me on.
Passion turns me on.
Art turns me on.
Being humble, turns me on.
A talented humble soul that is passionate about their art.
Turns me on.


Giving Up is Against the Law!

Why give up on a dream? A dream that you've had your whole life. What are you gonna do in your spare time once you've given up a life dream. Live your life with no goals or direction? Where is the satisfaction in that? What do you build you perseverance on? For anyone who has ever wanted to give up on a dream, I say to you this. Giving up is against the law. And once you give up you put yourself in prison. Held back and in bondage by your own mind. Captured by what you think cant happen. Don't give up. Believe.


Les Twins. Best Dancers EVER!

Les Twins.Urban Dance Showcase.New Style Hip Hop Dance

Tunnel Vision

I have a vision. A dream. A purpose. At the end of this long tunnel I see where I want to go. And I wont let anyone or anything get in my way. I cant look behind me at my past. And there is no other course. I cant look to the side because God has built walls of wisdom and faith to keep any obstacles from touching me. All I see is ahead. My journey. And I will always keep going....

Noelle "Lizzy B" Bush

Put in my life for a season. But forever in my heart for a lifetime.Her dream is a bit like mine. The whole "touching hearts and being fly" thing.But she has a way of her own. A different voice.A different impact to make.Just a way with things that only she can explain. But she does know,That she needs to change a life. Even if its just one. A vision she sees that she's putting forth into a reality. Her magazine speaks for itself...!

So GO!

Fighting with Myself.

When im all mad at him.
Then he be like "Come here."
And i be like "NO!"
And i be dead serious.
And he be like "So what, You mad now?"
But I dont answer that question cause I know he know
Im mad and its OBVIOUSLY silent treatment time.
Then he has THE NERVES!!! to get up and just stare at me all close.
In my head im like...
"I wish he would get out my face AND stop touchin me"
"Dont look at his face cause his gorgeous eyes are a trap
and his touch is kinda makin me weak."
Then I brush away cause he gets on my nerves.
And im still mad. Like seriously MAD FAREAL!
So he just doesnt talk to me cause I guess he did all he can do.
But actually he didnt.
Then we just kinda ignore each other.
10 mins past.
And he's like "You hungry?"
I say "No"
Im still mad but not really mad MAD, cause I kinda wanna cuddle.
Idk why I wanna cuddle cause Im suppose to be mad!
10 more mins past.
And he ask something else that i give a solid NO to.
And i wish he would stop askin me questions cause im tryna
be mad and he's making it hard.
So i throw a pillow at him.
And he throws one back.
And I laugh.

And I just wanna let him know that I hate missing him when we're sitting in the same room. And I make a mental pinky promise to myself, To never get mad again.

I always break those promises.
But I thank God he gave me someone that puts up with me.

Why are you so weird?

You know I be thinking. I guess that's what I was given a brain for and such but listen. People ask me this craaaaaaaaaazzzy question. And i just dont understand it.

Why are you so weird?

See i really dont know how to answer that question. Because I dont know what truly makes people think of me as a weird person. I just feel like they judge what I do by what everybody else does and what the world has accepted as normal. But what they dont understand is this world is at an ALL TIME LOW. We're in a recession, our generation is brain washed, and the people that deserve dont receive. So WHY would I want to follow anything of this world? See I have morals. So I want to live up to those. Like I dont want to date a million dudes and have sex casually. I dont want to be drunk every time you see me. I want to stand for something and never fall. I cant do that by following what I see my neighbor do. What you do is for you and we'll see if that works for you. And i'll go my way and see if this works for me. Now I might not have the latest Jays but um I dont even wear Jays so im weird? And I hate going to the club, that music be so stupid to me so im weird? I'd rather learn how to make jewelry out of pottery then to hit up this spot and get wasted so im weird? If all that makes me weird i'll accept that because its me. My mother showed me what she did in life and all the struggles that came out of it. I wont follow that. I'll create my own path. Let God lead my journey. Do whatever I can to never be just a statistic. So s/o to all my weirdos. Create your own dream and live it.


So talented. So soulful. So original.