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Its Swag:30

This is craaazy. I want this on my wall.

Meet Me.

I’m the kind of girl who is quiet in large groups or around people I don’t know; you only see the real me if we’re close. I smile and laugh a lot, especially at the most inappropriate times. I’m a hopeless romantic. I trip over air, up stairs, and over people’s feet. I am the hardest person to offend, but it is all too easy to make me feel horrible. Im ALWAYS confused. I hate telling people about my problems; they don’t need to worry about me. I’m the one who listens to other people’s problems. Every moment is a moment to be FLY. I like to think of myself as a "G" I think i have the heart of one. I believe people should not be judged before one takes the time to get to know them. Everyone has a story I wanna hear. I love to think rather than talk. I’m awkward, clumsy, shy, strange..... but this is me. And thats the only person i could ever be.

Somebody Fly

Im Me. Im Nelle.