
There's No Chance Unless You Take One

Dont miss your call

You were put on this earth to do something amazing. So whatever it is you want to do. Put your mind to it and do it. Dont miss your calling.


My Father

I dont know why ppl dont believe me when i say Kanye is my father. Ask my mother. He just really is. Dont be fckin jealous. "Restraining order, can't see my daughter. Her mother, brother, grandmother hate me in that order."-Ye. And thats why im never with him hoes. Lol.

Old Hag

Gonna be 20 soon. Yay me. Sooooo im thinking. WTF have i done for 20 years of my life. And im proud to say that i can come up with a pretty great list. But THAT list can be better. "Just because you're young doesnt mean you're not getting older"-A.Ray(MyAmazingBoyfriend). I wanna have something BIG to show for by the time im 25. No games. No days off. Because shit is real. What do you have to show for yourself?? Im just askin.


Sexy Beast!

Dawn&Que...Amazing Couple!


Just in case you thought you were doing somethin.

Doesn't take a lot to be something you're not.


You could be the lover
I'll be the fighter babe
If I'm the blunt
You could be the lighter babe
Fire it up!
Writer babe
You could be the quote
If I'm the lyric baby
You could be the note
Record that!
Saint, I'm a sinner
Prize, I'm a winner
And it's you
What can I do to deserve that
Paper baby
I'll be the pen
Say that I'm the 1
Cause you are 10


For once.

I feel like im wiser
I feel like im stronger.
I feel like i got it.
I feel like they want it.
I feel like i can.
I feel like i will.
I feel like smiling.
I feel like rejoycing.
I feel like im impowered.
I feel like this is easy.
I feel like i can breath.
I feel like i can see.
I feel like i count.
I feel like im wanted.
I feel like im needed.
I feel like im human.
I feel like im ME.

For Once!


She helps me love ME!

Peace in Egypt.


I am dedicated.
He is dedicated.
We are dedicated to us.

Press play.